Guide to Selecting the Right MSK Solution for Your Workforce

5 Steps to Map Employee Needs to the Right MSK Care


Musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions involving back, knee, hip, shoulder, neck, and other joints are the top reason (after the flu) employees call in sick. Regardless of your industry, if your employees are lifting heavy objects in a warehouse, standing all day in a retail store, or sitting in front of a computer, the result is frequent MSK injuries and often long-term pain.

You’re likely aware that MSK is one of your top cost drivers. But now you’re probably wondering what to do next. It’s a big decision to identify and roll out a new benefit, so how can you tackle this process effectively?

This guide is an easy step-by-step playbook to begin the process of evaluating your workforce’s MSK needs and find the right MSK solution to fit their unique needs. With each step, we’ve provided templates and worksheets to help you begin mapping out your needs and selection criteria.

In this guide, you’ll find five steps to get you closer to providing the kind of MSK care your employees need:

  1. Dig deeper into your MSK spend + worksheet
  2. Uncover your high-risk populations + worksheet
  3. Ask your employees what they need + survey template
  4. Define your selection criteria based on member needs + worksheet
  5. Develop your list of questions to ask + checklist

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